It can be slightly confusing though because the main CAPTCHA solving service is hosted at while the official browser extension is found at. Here we show you some browser extensions and their related CAPTCHA solving services that can help get around the problem.ĪntiCaptcha is a well known and often recommended CAPTCHA service. This can be useful if you can’t see the CAPTCHAs very well, you make a lot of mistakes or you just encounter loads of them all the time.

Something to help in dealing with a CAPTCHA is using a browser extension that can solve it for you. And if you type in the wrong characters or click the wrong button, you have to keep going until you get it right. Not content with you having to solve one visual puzzle, ReCAPTCHA sometimes requires you to solve four or five puzzles in a row. Other CAPTCHAs can be really annoying to encounter, such as Google’s reCAPTCHA. Some CAPTCHAs can be very hard to read, even for people with good vision. Basically, the intention of a CAPTCHA is to prevent spam from robots but they also cause inconvenience to real users especially blind and visually impaired people. There are various types of CAPTCHA including typing in the shown words or numbers, doing some simple maths, solving a visual puzzle, identifying objects, and etc. If you’ve submitted a form or registered for an account on the Internet, you will have stumbled upon a CAPTCHA.