The person shall submit a certified or attested copy of the order and a letter of explanation.This applies to convictions obtained in Kentucky or in any other jurisdiction.Convictions for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol must be reported. Traffic related misdemeanors should not be reported unless they involve operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.Any misdemeanor or felony criminal conviction.Report within ninety (90) days of entry of an order or judgment in writing the following.KRS 314.109 requires any person under the jurisdiction of the board to Disciplinary Process and Procedures Brochure.Visit the KBN Document Library to locate the following brochures using the below key words:
Licensed Certified Professional Midwives – 201 KAR 20:630.Some of the more commonly investigated violations are located at Violations of law that fall within the purview of the KBN discipline process are listed in KRS 314, 201 KAR 20, and other applicable sections of federal and state law. Use the following link to learn more about.Available public reports related to investigations and discipline.Information regarding the mandatory reporting of convictions.Information regarding the investigation and disciplinary process.Information about violations of law regarding nurses, dialysis technicians, and licensed certified professional midwives.Information about filing a complaint regarding the conduct of a nurse, dialysis technician, or licensed certified professional midwife.This page contains information on the following: